Thursday, December 9, 2010

Apple Orchard background updated

I didn't like the look of the acrylic paint so for this iteration, I have added water-based oils.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

apple tree background -- in progress

I'm working on this landscape painting of our apple orchard. Lately I have been studying background paintings from animated feature films, and I'm trying to capture some of the styles and techniques I see from artists of that genre. Specific influences are from Disney and Studio Ghibli. I may tone down/tweak the colors with a glaze of some sort. Not sure yet. Still need a lot of work on this one...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

figure drawing

Here is a recent 15 minute gesture drawing done with vine charcoal, and charcoal pencil.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

seated nude

This drawing is done with charcoal, sanguine and white conte on colored charcoal paper. I like the solid look of this pose, almost statuesque. The details -- faces, hands and feet definitely represent a challenge. Hopefully we will be studying these areas more in the class.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

gesture drawings

Gestural drawings convey the line of action and movement of a pose. Shown here are some very quick gestures of a male model done using a sanguine conte crayon on drawing paper. This model's imaginative poses helped to inspire me --- inspiration is sometimes hard to conjur following a long day's work and hectic commute to Cabrillo. Alas! The dedicated artist is not easily broken.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

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